Rahayu Pawitri Portfolio_Experienced Content Writer

My journey in the professional world commenced in the year 2013 as a content writer while I was completing my fourth semester in English translation at the Indonesian Open University.

During that time, I realized that merely translating text from my lesson book would not suffice to enhance my vocabulary. Hence, I decided to challenge myself by writing and translating English text. This led me to venture into the field of content writing, enabling me to achieve my goal.

Professional History

#1. Writing for some private agencies and publishers

During my first year as a content writer, I had the privilege of writing for esteemed private agencies and publishers. As a dedicated professional, I approached each project with a keen attention to detail and a commitment to delivering high-quality content. I am pleased to provide you with an example of my writing and a brief overview of my process.

rahayu pawitri experienced content writer

Year: 2013

Clients: Local publishers and private agencies

How I work: writing SEO articles based on given keywords

Writing example: On that occasion, I composed articles in English on behalf of a private agency, and thus, I am uncertain as to their specific online publication. Nonetheless, a selection of my written works for the aforementioned agency can be accessed through my Drive.

In order to give you more pictures about my writing style, please visit my English blog at abouttheze.blogspot.com.

#2. Uang Teman

Aidil Zukifli has extended an offer for me to compose content for UangTeman’s blog via Elance (now Upwork).

kartu kredit untuk memenuhi kebutuhan emosi

Year: 2013 -2015

Responsibilities: Writing financial and lifestyle tips to help the company become a trend by Indonesian people

How I work: writing SEO articles based on given keywords

Published articles: Unfortunately, I am unable to furnish proof of published articles from UangTeman company due to its closure resulting from internal issues.

On the other hand, I have authored some financial articles on my blog. They are available under the designated category “Mengatur Keuangan“.

#3. The Asian Parent Indonesia

One of my most gratifying professional experiences was serving as a writer for Asian Parent Indonesia. The Content Manager at TAP encouraged our writing team to produce engaging articles that would captivate Indonesian audiences, while also instructing us on writing in accordance with SEO rules.

In 2013, Asian Parents Indonesia had recently launched in Indonesia, and our task was not only to generate high-quality content but also to establish the brand as a reputable and authoritative resource for parenting in Indonesia.

rahayu pawitri content writer asian parent indonesia

Year: 2013 – July 2016


  1. Writing parenting tips based on SEO analysis
  2. Localizing articles from the Asian Parent Network

How I work:

  1. Research trending topics
  2. Determine appropriate keywords for the approved topic/news
  3. Write articles according to predetermined keywords and other SEO rules
  4. Localize articles on sites owned by the Asian Parent Network

Published articles: Parenting’s site for Indonesian Parent

#4. Buythiz.com

As a content writer, I achieved another milestone by conducting a course review. Although I have experience reviewing products, services, and movies as a Blogger, I gained valuable insights into crafting effective review articles while adhering to SEO guidelines.

rahayu pawitri review jobs content writer

Year: July 2018 – 2020


  1. Do a trial for a product or online courses
  2. Writing a review based on trial experience

How I work:

  1. Enrolling in online classes has been determined by buythiz’s site owner
  2. Write review according to the experience gained taking online classes

Published articles: Review product by Rahayu Pawitri at buythiz.com.

#4. Motiva Kreasi Indonesia

I am immensely grateful for the work experience I gained while working at Motiva. Initially, I was offered the position of Content Writer by Coach Darmawan Aji. As time progressed, I was presented with the opportunity to expand my role.

  1. Handle Instagram,
  2. Write copy for sales and reseller promotions
  3. E-book editing
  4. Video creation for sale and promotions.

This led me to my current role as the Content Manager.

Although my tenure at Motiva was brief, I gained valuable and diverse experience, such as:

  1. Content planning
  2. Content creation for sales and promotions
  3. Turn blog and Instagram statistics into content

Year: 2020 – 2023


  1. Planning and curating content for social media, blog, and community
  2. Write and design content for social media, blog, and community
  3. Write copy for the sales team

How I work:

  1. Consult to the marketing manager regarding product or course campaigns.
  2. Develop a content plan according to the product or course campaign that the marketing team has planned.
  3. Write and distribute content for blogs, Instagram posts, and WA content for communities and resellers.

Published articles: motiva.id

Instagram: @motivaid

#5. Self-employee

Upon discovering my ability to write articles, some of my acquaintances requested my services for creating content such as copy for banners, flyers, and articles. Furthermore, I have ghostwritten for multiple content agencies and start-ups.
You can view some samples of my work at the following link: Rahayu’s Working Example

Thank you for taking the time to visit my page and review my professional experiences as a remote and freelance content writer. I hope this information has provided you with insight into my work and capabilities.

For further inquiries or to discuss potential work opportunities, I can be reached at rahayupawitri@gmail.com or via Whatsapp at 6287768762145.

Thank you again for your consideration, and I look forward to the opportunity to collaborate with you in the future.